Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Gotye - Easy Way Out

I like trying new things. For example, I always try and have a different curry dish every time I go to an Indian restaurant. On the way back from university sometimes, I may also change my route home just so I don't get bored of always going the same way. Unusual? Perhaps.

This thirst for "different" also translates to music. I estimate that I spend 15-30 minutes everyday trying to discover a new favourite band. Therefore, it's always a pleasure to review a band I've never heard of before. Especially when they're as good as Gotye.

Now on his 3rd studio album, he releases his brand new single "Easy Way Out". The track itself is a mish-mash of different styles - Muse-like basslines clash with indie-style riffwork as Gotye's melancholic voice glides over the top. It's an impressive track to listen to although it does take a few repeats to truly appreciate.

The fact it barely reaches 120 seconds is also a massive plus. It's direct, incisive and to the point. Sometimes it's good to go back to basics.

At the end of the day, this won't be to everyone's taste. But it is to mine and I'd recommend you to give it a listen. After all, how do you know you don't like something if you've never tried it?


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